We support the following projects (and other similar projects), which were suggested by the people of Baguia. We work closely with a Timorese committee in Baguia that comprises of local government and community representatives to identify priorities. Education is our prime focus, as the Timorese consider this of vital importance to enable their children to achieve a better life, as they build their new nation.
1. Scholarships to the nine High Schools in Baguia
These schools have a combined total of over 1,000 students.
Fees and books are funded up to $A100 per year for
each student. Over 140 scholarships are provided
each year.
2. Desks and equipment for remote mountain Primary Schools
In some mountain schoolrooms children still sit on the dirt floor or on
shaky bamboo poles. We support local village carpenters to build desks and
blackboards. In some cases we provide funds for the materials to extend mountain schools
that are built on volunteer labour by the villagers.
3. Training and funding for teachers at four Village Kindergartens
Only 10% of children have access to pre-schools and Timor Education is now realising how important this is to eductional success for village children.
This program provides employment for local women and only costs a Volunteer reimbursement of $A55 per teacher per month.
4. University Scholarships
Currently, 14 Baguia students are funded at University level. Most are studying in East Timor,
but due to a lack of courses three of our students are studying at University in Indonesia and The Philippines.
The cost is $A700 per year for each uni student.
5. English language classes
The official languages in East Timor are Portugese and Tetun but there is a strong demand for English, which is seen as an
international language to provide future opportunities. Three local teachers are employed to run free
English classes for adults and children. We hosted one of these teachers, in Australia
for several months to improve her English skills. Cost A$120 per month.
6. Tanks for Timor
Initated by Meagan Lowe from FoB Committee, to date this project has funded five tanks and the necessary guttering, piping and tank stands
for Primary Schools. Three of the schools are located in the mountains and the tanks will provide safe drinking water,
ability to install or use toilets, water for cooking govt provided lunch.
With the high cost of transport each tank has cost around $A1,800 to install.